Monday, January 5, 2015

Saving Challenge! 52 weeks to $1,378!

Saving money seems to be so hard for me. I tend to spend more then I need to :( . This year it will be different. I will like to start saving for a trip to Vegas in two years. 

In browsing Pinterest (I'm secretly addicted to it, follow me I stumbled across this challenge. Save the same dollar amount as the week is is throughout the year. $1 the first week, $2 the next, and so forth until week 52. Seems easy enough right?

I plan to add more money to this saving challenge however, the goal is to at least make it through this challenge without touching the money, ever!. That's going to be the hardest part especially when the dollars start adding up. 

I'm going to keep myself accountable with weekly Instagram post and monthly post on the blog.

Join the challenge with me !

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