Friday, January 2, 2015

Consistency is Key! 2015 Goals

Soooo sick of falling off and half doing. Ugh ! I started this blog back in September to track my running and fitness goals. However I made two WHOLE post and abandoned the blog. It just took me 40 minutes to ever remember the email I used to log in smh. 

My face should be next to the word procrastination in the dictionary. In college I would swear my best work came from the papers I completely a half an hour before it was due ðŸ˜³. But this year I want to end that. I know I can do great things under pressure, I can only imagine how better I can do if I actually started on things when I'm supposed to. So this year my goal is to be consistent and end my addiction to procrastination.  

Goals for 2015:
1. Keep up with this damn blog. Sheesh V you act like it so hard to drop a few paragraphs on here. The goal will be once a week for now. By mid year I will like to bump it up to three. 

2. Work on "keeping calm". I completely freak out when things go left. The goal this year is to just simply pause and think before reacting. 

3. Run my first relay race. Already signed up for my first relay in Sept. 2015! and training starts on the 5th! get ready for more running post !

4. Take better care of my natural hair. Not sure if I will blog about my hair progress. Honestly I don't really have a passion for it. It just hair to me. However, that attitude cost me no growth this past year. The goal this year will be to grow 3-4 inches of hair and maintain a consistent hair regime. I will like to try and find some staple products as well so I subscribe to curlKit! might do an unboxing when I get the first kit.

5. Lose 10% of my current body weight (between 15-20 lbs). It quite simple. Get it off and keep it off. My goal is to lose it by my birthday, June 12. 

All of my goals seem to have one thing in common in order to conquer them: consistency. 2015 will be all about consistency. Alright here we go.  

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