Saturday, September 6, 2014

#30in30 30 milies in 30 days

Here is the first few sweaty pics of my #30in30 challenge:). What is the 30in30 challenge you ask? Well it's fairly simple. Run 30 or more miles in 30 days.  

The Plan

The plan is to run 2.5 mi per day, 3 days a week between 9/2-10/2. So far this week I have been lacking But don't worry. Them 30 miles are mines this month. In addition to the runs, I plan to cross train/strength train 2 days a week.  

The App

I have been using the Nike+ Run app (review coming soon) on my iPhone to track my runs. SPOILER ALERT: BEST RUNNING APP OUT THERE!!  I will be posting each run photo here on the blog as well as on Instagram (@vertigostark) 

The Goal

Of course to complete the 30 miles with in goal. As far as weight loss,I hoping to be down 5 lbs by the end of the month. I weighted in at 185 lbs on 9/2. 10+ lbs then my normal weight of 175 lbs. My first goal is to get back to my normal weight by year's end. Next goal will be an additional 10 lbs by mid 2015. Of course more challenges will be in effect to meet the ultimate goal but let's work on these first 30 days. 

Alright. Time to make some changes! 


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