Tuesday, November 3, 2015

#nonstopnevember natural hair #fail

So I had all intentions on blogging about this roller set last night. However when I took the rollers out yesterday morning the front was fierce honey yasssss !! But then I got to the back and uhhhh. Yup still wet lol. So the plan for today is to try it again. I will try to sit under the dryer for an hour and do smaller sections in the back. The let sit over night. I'll let you know how it turns out for Wednesday post !! 

Fitness post coming later today !!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

#nonstopnovember #mealprepsundays

Soooo..... I have an issue with commitment but this #nonstopnovemeber is going to force me to post. Lol. I'm so excited for November. I have been struggling with my weight this entire year and I'm ready for a change. No need to wait until January I'M STARTING NOW. So for my first post I am going to share this weeks #mealprepsunday !!!

Breakfast:The plan is the keep breakfast light and simple. I'm usually up at 5:30am but never really too hungry. I made two Fridge Oats and three green smoothies prep to be blend.

Lunch: I wanted to have options here. One bowl is of chicken seasoned with taco seasoning and lime (I used this recipe) and the other bowl is dirty rice with ground turkey. Both bowls and paired with roasted veggies :)

Snacks: I bagged up potion size of dried fruit. popcorn. golfrish crackers, and berries. Apples and go-gurts are also on hand. I plan to take any two of these items and go. Easy enough!

Dinner: This meal wasn't really planned like my lunch meals. My goal is to make dinner every other day and making enough that both me and my boyfriend can eat leftovers the next day. Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday are the days we will cook dinner with Saturday dinner being an option meal.

And that's this weeks #mealprepsunday. I will check in mid week to give a full review of my progress.